Prayers for Palm Sunday – All Years (BCP)

Download Palm Sunday Year B BCP  or  Palm Sunday Year B RCL

Readings: See The Book of Common Prayer or The Revised Common Lectionary

In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying….

Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

You are the Lord our God,
The one to whom we turn in time of trouble.
Our souls are overwhelmed with terror and grief,
As we consider the weight of sin and death.
Our times are in your hand, Holy God.
Rescue us from death at the hand of our enemy.
Our souls wait for you alone.


Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

You are the rightful Lord of the whole creation,
And you alone are worthy of the worship and service of all people.
May your kingdom come in the midst of unrest and war,
Set to rights our earth ridden with corruption and violence, brutality and suffering.
We commit into your care the plight of the world,
Asking that your life-giving Word would spread to every corner of the globe.

I invite you to pray for the needs of the world, remembering especially our president, Barack Obama, and other leaders.


Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Jesus Christ, we confess that you are Lord.
We think of your humility,
Your willingness to be born in human form,
Your obedience unto death on a cross.
May the whole earth proclaim your praises and rejoice in your eternal purposes.
Lord of our salvation, equip your church with the mind of Christ.
Grant us perseverance and unwavering faith
That we might humbly obey you in the work you have given us to do.


Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We ask that your will be done in our lives and in the world.
We humble ourselves before you, praying for all that weighs heavily on our hearts as we remember our own cares and the needs of others.
We pray for those who suffer because of injustice and human evil.
We remember victims of abuse, slaves, prisoners, orphans, widows, and those captive to addictions and despair.
We pray for the depressed, the lonely and forgotten, for those weighed down by anxiety and guilt, and for anyone whose spirit has been crushed and deeply wounded.
We remember the starving, the sick, the poor, the homeless, the terminally ill, and those crippled by pain and infirmity.
The groaning of the world is too much for us to bear.
Come quickly to us, Lord Jesus, you who took on flesh and understand all our pain.
Let us drink deeply of the peace of your presence.

I invite you to pray for the needs of others.


Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Holy Spirit, we ask that you would ready our hearts for the upcoming week.
Help us to set aside anything that would hinder or distract us from making space to journey with you through Holy Week.
Grant us grace to remember,
To meditate upon your passion and suffering,
To watch and pray with you for a little while.
Our spirits are willing, but our flesh is week.


Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

We thank you for your church,
For all who have been given your grace in Christ Jesus.
How beautiful is the bride of Christ, stretching back throughout the ages and across the world, crossing boundaries of time and place!
We remember now those who have gone before us, those who have died in the faith, trusting that they are in your care.

I invite your thanksgivings to God for those who have died in the faith.


Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Holy God, you dwell among your people,
And our hearts are full of gratitude for your closeness.
Who is like you, O Lord?
Your majesty astounds us,
Your holiness overwhelms us,
And yet, in your mercy you draw near to us.
You are the Living God,
The giver of all life,
The God who reconciles even his enemies to himself.
Our souls wait for you alone,
 Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.