Prayers for Proper 22, closest to October 5 – Year B (BCP)

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You are good, O Lord, and your ways bring life;
Happy are they who fear the Lord.

You establish the work of our hands and grant us productive labor;
Happy are they who fear the Lord.

You are generous with us and bring fruitfulness to our lives;
Happy are they who fear the Lord.

You, Lord Christ, are the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature;
Happy are they who fear the Lord.

You uphold the universe by the word of your power.
Happy are those who fear the Lord.

You have purified us from our sins and dwell with the Majesty on high.
Happy are those who fear the Lord.

This is our God.  Praise him, all you people, for he is our help and our salvation.  I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


You are worthy, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
May we ever follow in your ways.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

Lord Christ, by the grace of God you tasted death for everyone;
Deliver your people from the fear of death.

Grant us courage and a right fear of you alone;
That we might glorify you with our lives.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world.


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

Lord Christ, you are a merciful and faithful high priest;
In humility, we ask for your help.

We pray for all men and women. You have created us male and female to reflect your image. Teach us to glorify you in who we are.
In humility, we ask for your help.

We pray for those who are married. Steady their hearts and kindle their affections that they might serve one another in your love.
In humility, we ask for your help.

We pray for those touched by the brokenness of divorce. Pour your refreshing spirit on wounded hearts and lift up heads weighed down by shame.

In humility, we ask for your help.

We pray for those who are dating or engaged. Grant them guidance and loving respect for one another.
In humility, we ask for your help.

We pray for those who are single. Firmly establish them in the family of your Church, and may all men and women serve one another in mutual love.
In humility, we ask for your help.

We pray for the bereaved.  Bind up the hearts of those who grieve and surround them with the companionship of your people.
In humility, we ask for your help.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness;
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for the First Sunday after Epiphany – Year B (BCP)

Readings: Isaiah 42:1-9; Psalm 89:20-29; Acts 10:34-38; Mark 1:7-11

Download Prayers for Epiphany 1 Year B BCP

 In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying…

Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

O Lord, you are the Great Rescuer of the whole world.
You free the prisoners,
And demolish the darkness of their prison with your glorious light.
You have transformed the reality of our world,
And your life-giving Spirit awakens us to hope.
We look for you, Lord Christ.
Establish your justice through all the earth,
That the greatness of your name be magnified in all nations.


Jesus is the light of the world
May the whole earth know his brightness.

We pray for the world,
For the many people who do not yet know you,
For those who scoff or think lightly of the precious name of Jesus,
And for those who have not received your word.
Speak to them, O Lord,
And grant them ears to hear the good news of your deliverance.

I invite your prayers for specific countries and individuals in need of the Gospel.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lift our voices with your worldwide church,
And we praise you that your life-giving Spirit is for all people,
That no one is beyond the touch of your mercy.
You, Lord Christ, healed all who were oppressed by darkness.
Shine the light of your presence on our brokenness,
And let your peace come to every corner of our universe.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We belong to you, Lord Christ,
For you have bought us with a costly price.
Bring the cleansing light of your presence into every area of our lives, especially…


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We pray for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, and the sick;
The broken and despairing;
The lonely and those afflicted by doubt and fear.
We think of orphans and widows, prisoners and slaves,
Those struggling with addiction and pain.
The burden of the world is too great for us,
And the groaning of suffering too much for us to bear!
Have mercy on all that you have made, O Lord!
In your infinite compassion and wisdom,
Proclaim your rule of righteousness to the ends of the earth.
Lift up those who are bowed down,
Set their feet on sure ground,
That many would see and put their trust in you.
For you alone are the hope of the afflicted,
You alone are the one who restores all things.

I invite your prayers for all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We thank you for your church.
How beautiful is the bride of Christ, stretching back throughout the ages and across the world, crossing boundaries of time and place!
We remember now those who have gone before us, those who have died in the faith, trusting that they are in your care.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

Transform us, O Lord, to be a people who clearly and brightly reflect the light of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Through whom we humbly pray, Amen.

Prayers for the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany – Year B (BCP)

Readings: 2 Kings 5:1-15; Psalm 42:1-7; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Mark 1:40-45

Download Prayers for Epiphany 6 Year B BCP

 In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying…

Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

Our souls thirst for you alone, Living God,
And we long for fellowship with you.
Help us to believe in your ever-present nearness,
Even in the midst of disquiet and heaviness of soul.
Having fed on the sorrow of our tears,
Having endured the fearful watches of the night,
We come now before your holy presence.
We pour out our souls before you,
And recall to mind your great deeds and kindnesses toward us.
We put our trust in you alone, Lord God,
For we will yet give you thanks.
You are the help of our countenance.
You alone are our God.


Jesus is the light of the world
May the whole earth know his brightness.

We pray for the world,
For the many people who do not yet know you,
For those who scoff or think lightly of the precious name of Jesus,
And for those who have not listened to your teaching.
Lord Christ, you are the Holy One of God.
One who heals the sick and delivers the oppressed,
And your words give life to all who listen.
May all nations encounter your healing and life-giving presence
And follow you alone.
I invite your prayers for specific countries and individuals in need of the Gospel.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lift our voices with your worldwide church,
And we praise you that you have bought us at great price, Lord Christ.
Strengthen our weak wills, merciful Lord,
That we might run hard the race set before us.
Grant us the grace of discipline and self-control,
And help us to fix our eyes on the imperishable joy set before us.
We want to follow Paul’s example ,
To become servants of all,
That we might share the gospel and its blessings with all people.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We pray for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, and the sick;
The broken and despairing;
The lonely and those afflicted by doubt and fear.
We think of orphans and widows, prisoners and slaves,
Those struggling with addiction and pain.
The burden of the world is too great for us,
And the groaning of suffering too much for us to bear!
Have mercy on all that you have made, O Lord!
In your infinite compassion and wisdom,
Proclaim your rule of righteousness to the ends of the earth.
Lift up those who are bowed down,
Set their feet on sure ground,
That many would see and put their trust in you.
For you alone are the hope of the afflicted,
You alone are the one who restores all things.
I invite your prayers for all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We thank you for your church.
How beautiful is the bride of Christ, stretching back throughout the ages and across the world, crossing boundaries of time and place!
We remember now those who have gone before us, those who have died in the faith, trusting that they are in your care.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lay the upcoming week before you, Lord God,
And commit all our cares and concerns into your hands.
We put our trust in you alone, Lord God.
Transform us, O Lord, to be a people who clearly and brightly reflect the light of our Lord Jesus Christ, Through whom we humbly pray, Amen.

Prayers for the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany – Year B (BCP)

In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying…

Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

O Lord, we cry out to you with loud supplication.
We pour out our hearts before you,
And tell you all our trouble.
When we are distressed,
When we feel pursued and cut off from help,
When we feel imprisoned and lonely,
Deliver us from foes too strong for us,
That we may give thanks to your Name.
You are the only true refuge,
Our portion in the land of the living.
We declare it in the company of the righteous:
Indeed, you have dealt bountifully with us.


Jesus is the light of the world
May the whole earth know his brightness.

We pray for the world,
For the many people who do not yet know you,
For those who scoff or think lightly of the precious name of Jesus,
And for those who have not listened to your teaching.
Lord Christ, you are the Holy One of God.
One who heals the sick and delivers the oppressed,
And your words give life to all who listen.
May all nations encounter your healing and life-giving presence
And follow you alone.
I invite your prayers for specific countries and individuals in need of the Gospel.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lift our voices with your worldwide church,
And we praise you that you have bought us at great price, Lord Christ.
Inflame our indifferent hearts with the necessity of preaching your gospel,
And strengthen our weak wills to be good stewards of your message.
We want to follow Paul’s example ,
To become servants of all,
That we might share the gospel and its blessings with all people.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We pray for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, and the sick;
The broken and despairing;
The lonely and those afflicted by doubt and fear.
We think of orphans and widows, prisoners and slaves,
Those struggling with addiction and pain.
The burden of the world is too great for us,
And the groaning of suffering too much for us to bear!
Have mercy on all that you have made, O Lord!
In your infinite compassion and wisdom,
Proclaim your rule of righteousness to the ends of the earth.
Lift up those who are bowed down,
Set their feet on sure ground,
That many would see and put their trust in you.
For you alone are the hope of the afflicted,
You alone are the one who restores all things.
I invite your prayers for all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We thank you for your church.
How beautiful is the bride of Christ, stretching back throughout the ages and across the world, crossing boundaries of time and place!
We remember now those who have gone before us, those who have died in the faith, trusting that they are in your care.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lay the upcoming week before you, Lord God,
And commit all our cares and concerns into your hands.
Give us an awareness to seize moments to come away and be with you,
To follow your example and seek prayer in the midst of many demands.
Transform us, O Lord, to be a people who clearly and brightly reflect the light of our Lord Jesus Christ, Through whom we humbly pray, Amen.

Prayers for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany – Year B (BCP)

Readings: Deuteronomy 18:15-20; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 8:1b-13; Mark 1:21-28

Download Prayers for Epiphany 4 Year B BCP

 In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying…

Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We give you thanks, O Lord, in this congregation,
And we delight in your marvelous works.
You are gracious and full of compassion;
Your righteousness endures forever.
The works of your hands are faithfulness and justice;
All your commandments are sure.
Send forth your redemption, gracious Lord,
That all people everywhere might partake of your everlasting covenant,
And praise your glorious name forever.


Jesus is the light of the world
May the whole earth know his brightness.

We pray for the world,
For the many people who do not yet know you,
For those who scoff or think lightly of the precious name of Jesus,
And for those who have not listened to your teaching.
Lord Christ, you are the Holy One of God.
One who teaches with authority,
And your voice is the voice of the Lord our God.
May all nations hear your life-giving word
And follow you alone.
I invite your prayers for specific countries and individuals in need of the Gospel.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lift our voices with your worldwide church,
And we praise you that you have bought us at great price, Lord Christ.
Teach us to love one another in humility.
Forbid it, Lord, that, because of our knowledge,
We might wound and destroy one another.
Unify your church in one spirit,
For we desire to build one another up in love.
Give Church of the Apostles your grace to shine forth your light to the people around us.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We pray for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, and the sick;
The broken and despairing;
The lonely and those afflicted by doubt and fear.
We think of orphans and widows, prisoners and slaves,
Those struggling with addiction and pain.
The burden of the world is too great for us,
And the groaning of suffering too much for us to bear!
Have mercy on all that you have made, O Lord!
In your infinite compassion and wisdom,
Proclaim your rule of righteousness to the ends of the earth.
Lift up those who are bowed down,
Set their feet on sure ground,
That many would see and put their trust in you.
For you alone are the hope of the afflicted,
You alone are the one who restores all things.
I invite your prayers for all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We thank you for your church.
How beautiful is the bride of Christ, stretching back throughout the ages and across the world, crossing boundaries of time and place!
We remember now those who have gone before us, those who have died in the faith, trusting that they are in your care.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

Transform us, O Lord, to be a people who clearly and brightly reflect the light of our Lord Jesus Christ, Through whom we humbly pray, Amen.

Prayers for the Third Sunday after Epiphany – Year B (BCP)

Readings: Jeremiah 3:21-4:2; Psalm 130; 1 Corinthians 7:17-23; Mark 1:14-20

Download Prayers for Epiphany 3 Year B BCP

 In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying…

Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We wait for you alone, O Lord;
In your word is our hope.
With you, O Lord, is forgiveness.
With you, O Lord, is mercy.
With you, O Lord is plenteous redemption.
Our souls wait for you, O Lord,
More than the watchmen wait for the morning.
Let all people everywhere wait for you alone, O Lord;
For in your word is the hope of all nations.


Jesus is the light of the world
May the whole earth know his brightness.

We pray for the world,
For the many people who do not yet know you,
For those who scoff or think lightly of the precious name of Jesus,
And for those who have not received your word.
Lord Christ, you bring the kingdom of God among us.
Turn the hearts of all people to repentance,
That they may believe in the Gospel
And follow you alone.
I invite your prayers for specific countries and individuals in need of the Gospel.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lift our voices with your worldwide church,
And we praise you that you have bought us at great price, Lord Christ.
We long to serve you alone,
And offer you our lives – all that we are.
Help us to live faithfully in the lives to which you have called us.
Give Church of the Apostles your grace to shine forth your light to the people around us.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

Behold, we come to you,
For you are the Lord our God.
Truly in you alone
Is the salvation of the whole world.
Bring the cleansing light of your presence into every area of our lives,
And reveal to us the idolatry and faithlessness of our own hearts.
Show us the sin we need to confess,
And teach us to seek you in truth, righteousness, and justice.
If you, Lord, were to note what is done amiss,
O Lord, who could stand?
But there is forgiveness with you.
Therefore, may all nations fear you and be blessed.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We pray for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, and the sick;
The broken and despairing;
The lonely and those afflicted by doubt and fear.
We think of orphans and widows, prisoners and slaves,
Those struggling with addiction and pain.
The burden of the world is too great for us,
And the groaning of suffering too much for us to bear!
Have mercy on all that you have made, O Lord!
In your infinite compassion and wisdom,
Proclaim your rule of righteousness to the ends of the earth.
Lift up those who are bowed down,
Set their feet on sure ground,
That many would see and put their trust in you.
For you alone are the hope of the afflicted,
You alone are the one who restores all things.
I invite your prayers for all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We thank you for your church.
How beautiful is the bride of Christ, stretching back throughout the ages and across the world, crossing boundaries of time and place!
We remember now those who have gone before us, those who have died in the faith, trusting that they are in your care.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

Transform us, O Lord, to be a people who clearly and brightly reflect the light of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Through whom we humbly pray, Amen.

Prayers for the Second Sunday after Epiphany – Year B (BCP)

Readings: 1 Samuel 3:1-10(11-20); Psalm 63:1-8; 1 Corinthians 6:11b-20; John 1:43-51

Download Prayers for Epiphany 2 Year B BCP

In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying…

Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

O God, you are our God.
We eagerly seek you in your holy place
That we might behold your power and your glory.
Our lips will praise you, and we will bless you as long as we live,
For your loving-kindness is better than life itself.
You have been our helper,
And under the shadow of your wings we will rejoice.
There is none like you, O Lord our God,
And you are worthy of all praise, glory, and honor from every man, woman, and child.
May the greatness of your name be magnified in all nations.


Jesus is the light of the world
May the whole earth know his brightness.

We pray for the world,
For the many people who do not yet know you,
For those who scoff or think lightly of the precious name of Jesus,
And for those who have not received your word.
Speak to them, O Lord,
And grant them ears to hear the good news of your deliverance.

I invite your prayers for specific countries and individuals in need of the Gospel.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lift our voices with your worldwide church,
And we praise you that you have washed us,
That you have sanctified us,
That you have justified us,
And that you have joined us to yourself, Lord Christ.
We marvel at the riches of your grace,
A grace that makes your church one in spirit with you, the holy, triune God!


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We belong to you, Lord Christ,
For you have bought us with a costly price.
We desire to glorify you with our bodies.
Holy Spirit, help us to flee sexual immorality and every kind of sin,
That our bodies may be a pleasing dwelling place for you.
Bring the cleansing light of your presence into every area of our lives, especially…


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We pray for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, and the sick;
The broken and despairing;
The lonely and those afflicted by doubt and fear.
We think of orphans and widows, prisoners and slaves,
Those struggling with addiction and pain.
The burden of the world is too great for us,
And the groaning of suffering too much for us to bear!
Have mercy on all that you have made, O Lord!
In your infinite compassion and wisdom,
Proclaim your rule of righteousness to the ends of the earth.
Lift up those who are bowed down,
Set their feet on sure ground,
That many would see and put their trust in you.
For you alone are the hope of the afflicted,
You alone are the one who restores all things.

I invite your prayers for all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We thank you for your church.
How beautiful is the bride of Christ, stretching back throughout the ages and across the world, crossing boundaries of time and place!
We remember now those who have gone before us, those who have died in the faith, trusting that they are in your care.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

Transform us, O Lord, to be a people who clearly and brightly reflect the light of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Through whom we humbly pray, Amen.

Prayers for the Last Sunday after Epiphany – Year B (BCP)

Readings: Psalm 27:1-11; 1 Kings 19:9-18; 2 Peter 1:16-21; Mark 9:2-9

In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying…

Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

Lord, you are our light and our salvation;
Whom then shall we fear?
You are the strength of our life;
Of whom then shall we be afraid?
We confess that we often feel surrounded by enemies
And overwhelmed by defeat.
In the midst of our distress, we look in confidence to you alone, O Lord.
We come to you in your dwelling place.
We hide in the shelter and security of your presence.
Your face, O Lord, we would seek.


Jesus is the light of the world
May the whole earth know his brightness.

We pray for the world,
For the many people who do not yet know you,
For those who scoff or think lightly of the precious name of Jesus,
And for those who have forsaken belief in you.
Lord Christ, you are the Holy One of God.
The beloved Son of the Father,
In whom he is well pleased.
May all nations listen to you
And give you right and due honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for specific countries and individuals in need of the Gospel.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We lift our voices with your worldwide church,
And we praise you that you have revealed yourself to your people.
We confess that, as your church, we are often fearful,
And we sometimes feel that we alone have been faithful.
Strengthen our weak wills, merciful Lord,
That we might run hard the race set before us,
And grant us grace that we might, in faith, look to you only, Lord Jesus.
We trust your eternal purposes for your church.
We rejoice that we belong to a great fellowship of faithful believers.
We sing and make music to you, for you have heard your people’s prayers,
And you will fulfill all that concerns us.

I invite your prayers for the faithful witness of the worldwide church.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We pray for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, and the sick;
The broken and despairing;
The lonely and those afflicted by doubt and fear.
We think of orphans and widows, prisoners and slaves,
Those struggling with addiction and pain.
The burden of the world is too great for us,
And the groaning of suffering too much for us to bear!
Have mercy on all that you have made, O Lord!
In your infinite compassion and wisdom,
Proclaim your rule of righteousness to the ends of the earth.
Lift up those who are bowed down,
Set their feet on sure ground,
That many would see and put their trust in you.
For you alone are the hope of the afflicted,
You alone are the one who restores all things.

I invite your prayers for all who suffer in body, mind, or spirit.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

We thank you for your church.
How beautiful is the bride of Christ, stretching back throughout the ages and across the world, crossing boundaries of time and place!
We remember now those who have gone before us, those who have died in the faith, trusting that they are in your care.


Jesus, light of the world
May the whole earth know your brightness.

Lord of all the earth, you have revealed to us the glory of your presence,
And, in your mercy, you have listened to our prayers.
You speak in our hearts and say, “Seek my face,”
Your face, Lord, will we seek.
We lay the upcoming week before you,
And commit all our cares and concerns into your hands.

Transform us, O Lord, to be a people who clearly and brightly reflect the light of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Through whom we humbly pray, Amen.