Prayers for Proper 29 – Year C (BCP), closest to November 23

Download Prayers for Proper 29 – Year C, BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You, O Lord of hosts, are with us; O God of Jacob, you have been our stronghold;
You have been our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

No matter our circumstances, your presence keeps us from fear;
You have been our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

We look upon your works, O Lord, and marvel at the awesome things you have done on earth;
You have been our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Who is like our God, the One who will be exalted among the nations, the One who will be exalted in all the earth?

You have been our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Give us wise and gentle leaders.

We confess the shortcomings of the church – that under her care many have been overcome with fear and dismay, or have gone missing;
Lord Christ, Our Righteousness, we look to you for healing and wholeness.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation;
Father God, we thank you for redeeming us.

You have delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to your kingdom;
Father God, we thank you for redeeming us.

Strengthen us with all power, according to your glorious might, for all endurance;
Father God, we thank you for redeeming us .

Grant us increasing patience with joy, and hearts that daily offer you gifts of gratitude;
Father God, we thank you for redeeming us.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.
We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 28 – Year C (BCP), closest to November 16

Download Prayers for Proper 28 – Year C, BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

Let the whole earth shout with joy before the Lord;
We lift up our voices with joy and singing: Great is our Lord, the King!

Your judgments are true, and all of creation awaits your rightful rule;
We lift up our voices with joy and singing: Great is our Lord, the King!

In righteousness will you judge the world and all the peoples, with equity;
We lift up our voices with joy and singing: Great is our Lord, the King!

Who is like our God, King over all the earth, ?
We lift up our voices with joy and singing: Great is our Lord, the King!

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Strengthen us to turn from evil and learn to do good.

You are a God of justice, who calls us to correct oppression and speak on behalf of the downtrodden;
Grant us the will to follow your example.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation:
May we not grow weary in doing good.

Keep us from idleness, that we may not be busybodies;
May we not grow weary in doing good.

Enable us to do our work quietly in a manner that pleases you;
May we not grow weary in doing good.

Grant us discernment to fulfill our vocations with industry and hard work;
May we not grow weary in doing good.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 26 – Year C (BCP), closest to November 2

Download Prayers for Proper 26 – Year C, BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

We confess our transgressions before you and acknowledge the guilt of our sin;
Happy are we whose transgressions are forgiven and whose sin is put away!

Your forgiveness grants life and brings light to our darkness;
Happy are we whose transgressions are forgiven and whose sin is put away!

Therefore, we will always make our prayers to you in times of trouble;
Happy are we whose transgressions are forgiven and whose sin is put away!

Who is like our God, the great hiding-place, the One who preserves his people from trouble and surrounds them with shouts of deliverance?
Happy are we whose transgressions are forgiven and whose sin is put away!

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Strengthen us to turn from evil and learn to do good.

You are a God of justice, who calls us to correct oppression and speak on behalf of the downtrodden;
Grant us the will to follow your example.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.
I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation, that you would grow our faith abundantly and increase the love of every one of us for one another;

Lord Christ, by your grace, glorify your name in us.

Give us steadfastness and faith, whatever our circumstances;
Lord Christ, by your grace, glorify your name in us.

Make us worthy of your calling;
Lord Christ, by your grace, glorify your name in us.

Fulfill in us every resolve for good and every work of faith by your power;
Lord Christ, by your grace, glorify your name in us.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 25 – Year C (BCP), closest to October 26

Download Prayers for Proper 25 – Year C, BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

Our souls long for your courts, O Lord of hosts;
Happy are we who dwell in your house and are ever praising you!

Our hearts and our flesh rejoice in the living God;
Happy are we who dwell in your house and are ever praising you!

We have found a home in your presence, Our King and Our God;
Happy are we who dwell in your house and are ever praising you!

Who is like our God, the One who strengthens his people, the One who reveals himself to all who seek after him?

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Help us to humble ourselves before you.

Our backslidings are many, and we have sinned against you, Holy God;
God, be merciful to us sinners.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation:

You, O Lord, are in the midst of us, and we are called by your name;
Do not forsake us, O Lord, our God.  

Grant us grace to diligently fulfill our callings and to keep the faith;
Do not forsake us, O Lord, our God.    

Strengthen us to proclaim your message by our words and deeds;
Do not forsake us, O Lord, our God.    

Rescue us from every evil deed and bring us safely to your heavenly kingdom;
Do not forsake us, O Lord, our God.  

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 24 – Year C (BCP), closest to October 19

Download Prayers for Proper 24 – Year C, BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You take good care of us, Gracious God, and you keep watch over us day and night.
Our help comes from you, O Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

You preserve us from evil and keep us safe in your presence;
Our help comes from you, O Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

You watch over our going out and coming in now and forever;
Our help comes from you, O Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Who is like our God, the One who formed us, and the One who carefully watches over his children?
Our help comes from you, O Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Help us to pray always and not lose heart.

You will not delay long over your people who cry out to you day and night;
May your justice come on earth as it is in heaven.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation, that we would continue in what we have learned and firmly believed:
Give us ears to hear your Word.  

We believe that all Scripture is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness;
Give us ears to hear your Word.  

Equip us for every good work, that we might be competent and fulfill our calling;
Give us ears to hear your Word.  

Grant us discernment, that we might receive sound teaching even when it displeases us;
Give us ears to hear your Word.  

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 23 – Year C (BCP), closest to October 12

Download Prayers for Proper 23 – Year C, BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

Hallelujah!  We give you praise, Sovereign Lord;
Let the Name of our Lord be blessed, from this time forth for evermore.

You are high above all nations, and your glory above the heavens;
Let the Name of our Lord be blessed, from this time forth for evermore

You lift up the poor and weak, and grant them joy in your presence;
Let the Name of our Lord be blessed, from this time forth for evermore.

Who is like our God, the one who sits enthroned on high, but stoops to behold he heavens and the earth?
Let the Name of our Lord be blessed, from this time forth for evermore.

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Grow gratitude in our hearts that we might give you unending thanks and praise.

Your word is not bound; indeed it is living and active and spreads throughout the whole earth;
Enable us to rightly handle your word of truth.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.
I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church, remembering especially those who minister to the poor.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation:
Equip us to persevere in the faith.  

Help us to discern when we aim to please others over you;
Equip us to persevere in the faith.

Give as an endurance that looks forward to the completion of our salvation;
Equip us to persevere in the faith.

Lord Jesus Christ, you have risen from the dead, the offspring of David, the one in whom we place all our hopes for healing and wholeness;
Equip us to persevere in the faith.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 22 – Year C (BCP), closest to October 5

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

Sovereign Lord, happy are those who commit their way to you;
You are trustworthy, O Lord, and we delight in you.

You will reward the righteous and those who deal justly;
You are trustworthy, O Lord, and we delight in you.

You see every deeds under the sun, and you will not leave the evildoers unpunished;
You are trustworthy, O Lord, and we delight in you.

Who is like our God, the One for whom we wait, the Holy One who is from everlasting?
You are trustworthy, O Lord, and we delight in you.

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Grant us steadfast faith and willing obedience.

You have given us a spirit of power and love and self-control;
Give us courage and enflame our faith.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation, that we would not be ashamed of the gospel;
Fulfill the purpose of your grace in us.  

Grant that we might share in suffering for the sake of the gospel;
Fulfill the purpose of your grace in us.

We believe in you, Sovereign God, and we trust that you will keep us to the end;
Fulfill the purpose of your grace in us.

Lord Jesus Christ, you abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel;
Fulfill the purpose of your grace in us.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 21 – Year C (BCP), closest to September 28

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

Eternal God, you keep our promise for ever;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You give justice to those who are oppressed and food to those who hunger;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You set the prisoners free and lift up those who are bowed down;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

Who is like our God, the One who cares for all people, the One who will reign forever and ever through all generations?

Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Equip us to be rich in good works as we set our hope on you alone.

You richly provide us with everything to enjoy;
Help us to gratefully be generous and ready to share.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church, remembering especially those who minister to the poor.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation, that we would invest in eternal treasure:
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.  

Give us opportunity to care for the poor and needy;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

Help us to choose righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 20 – Year C (BCP), closest to September 21

Download Prayers for Proper 20 – Year C, BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

We will give thanks to you, O Lord, with our whole hearts, because of your love and faithfulness;
We will sing of the ways of the Lord, that great is the glory of the Lord.

When we call, you answer us, and you increase our strength;
We will sing of the ways of the Lord, that great is the glory of the Lord.

Though we walk in the midst of trouble, you keep us safe;
We will sing of the ways of the Lord, that great is the glory of the Lord.

Who is like our God, the One who makes good his purposes for us, the One who will never abandon the work of his hands and whose love endures forever?
We will sing of the ways of the Lord, that great is the glory of the Lord.

This is our God, the Holy One.  Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
May we lead peaceful and godly lives.

You, Lord Christ, gave yourself as a ransom for all, and are the only mediator between God and men;
May all people be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation, that we would be people of prayer:
Satisfy us with your life-giving word.  

Give us opportunity to care for the poor and needy;
Satisfy us with your life-giving word.  

Reveal to us places where we act deceitfully or in anger;
Satisfy us with your life-giving word.  

Grant us faithfulness with all that you entrust to us;
Satisfy us with your life-giving word.  

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helpless
I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 19 – Year C (BCP), closest to September 14

Download Prayers for Proper 19 – Year C, BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You are merciful and full of loving-kindness and great compassion;
We will rejoice, for your grace, O Lord, has overflowed for us.

You have washed us thoroughly from our wickedness and cleansed us from our sin;
We will rejoice, for your grace, O Lord, has overflowed for us.

Against you alone have we sinned, and to you alone do we look for restoration;
We will rejoice, for your grace, O Lord, has overflowed for us.

Who is like our God, the One who takes away the iniquity of his people, the One who gives them clean hearts and right spirits?
We will rejoice, for your grace, O Lord, has overflowed for us.

This is our God, the Holy One.  Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
May we truly rejoice over repentant sinners.

You have lavished us with your mercy and purposed to save us sinners;
Display your perfect patience in us.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.
I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation, that we would believe in and receive your grace:
Christ Jesus, fill us with your faith and love.  

We desire to love others, to joyfully accept all who would seek you;
Christ Jesus, fill us with your faith and love.

Reveal to us the false idols of our own hearts, and grant us grace to cast them down in repentance;
Christ Jesus, fill us with your faith and love.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God;
To you be honor and glory forever and ever .

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helpless
I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.