Prayers for Proper 21 – Year C (RCL), closest to September 28

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

Eternal God, you keep our promise for ever;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You give justice to those who are oppressed and food to those who hunger;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You set the prisoners free and lift up those who are bowed down;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

Who is like our God, the One who cares for all people, the One who will reign forever and ever through all generations?
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Equip us to be rich in good works as we set our hope on you alone.

You richly provide us with everything to enjoy;
Help us to gratefully be generous and ready to share.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church, remembering especially those who minister to the poor.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation, that we would invest in eternal treasure:
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.  

Give us opportunity to care for the poor and needy;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

Help us to choose righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 21 – Year C (BCP), closest to September 28

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

Eternal God, you keep our promise for ever;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You give justice to those who are oppressed and food to those who hunger;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You set the prisoners free and lift up those who are bowed down;
Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

Who is like our God, the One who cares for all people, the One who will reign forever and ever through all generations?

Happy are we whose hope is in the Lord our God.

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving and offer him the sacrifice of praise.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Equip us to be rich in good works as we set our hope on you alone.

You richly provide us with everything to enjoy;
Help us to gratefully be generous and ready to share.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church, remembering especially those who minister to the poor.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation, that we would invest in eternal treasure:
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.  

Give us opportunity to care for the poor and needy;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

Help us to choose righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, and gentleness;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

Lord Jesus Christ, you are the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality and dwells in unapproachable light;
Strengthen us to take hold of that which is truly life.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 5 – Year C (RCL), closest to June 8

Download Prayers for Proper 5 – Year C, RCL

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You are the exalted Lord, the restorer of health and life;
We remember your holiness and give you unending thanks.

You brought us up, O Lord, from the dead;
We remember your holiness and give you unending thanks.

You bear our grief and transform it into joy;
We remember your holiness and give you unending thanks.

Our hearts are yours, O Lord, and we will sing to you without ceasing;
We remember your holiness and give you unending thanks.

This is our God, the Holy One.
Come before him with thanksgiving, and offer him the sacrifice of praise.


How worthy you are, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Be pleased to reveal Jesus in us.

You bring life and light to places overrun with darkness and death;
May the whole world know that your word is truth.

Grant that every member of the church may truly and humbly serve you;
That your name may be glorified by all people.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church, remembering especially the widows.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world, remembering especially…


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation,
That we might follow the leading of your Spirit.

Deliver us from hardness of heart;
Show forth your glory in all that we do.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness,
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 27, closest to November 9 – Year B (RCL)

Download Prayers for Proper 27 Year B RCL

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You give justice to the oppressed and food to those who hunger;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You set the prisoners free and open the eyes of the blind;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You lift up those who are bowed down;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You care for the stranger, the orphan, and the widow;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord our God.

This is our God.  Praise him, all you people, for he is our help and our salvation.  I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


You are worthy, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Save us, Lord Christ, as we eagerly wait for you.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

You know the areas of our abundance and the areas of our poverty;
Teach us to humbly offer you all that we are.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church, remembering especially our brothers and sisters who suffer for the sake of the Gospel.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world.


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

Lord Christ, you are the hope of every generation;
We look to you alone for our salvation.

You put away sin for all time by the sacrifice of yourself;
How glorious are you, Lord Jesus, God of our redemption.

Teach us to live in daily dependence on your presence,
That your love might be evidenced in our lives.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness;
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We remember the widows, orphans, and family members of pastors, evangelists and other martyrs.  Grant them your grace to forgive and to continue to serve you in faithful obedience.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 27, closest to November 9 – Year B (BCP)

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You give justice to the oppressed and food to those who hunger;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You set the prisoners free and open the eyes of the blind;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You lift up those who are bowed down;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord our God.

You care for the stranger, the orphan, and the widow;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord our God.

This is our God.  Praise him, all you people, for he is our help and our salvation.  I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


You are worthy, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Save us, Lord Christ, as we eagerly wait for you.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

You know the areas of our abundance and the areas of our poverty;
Teach us to humbly offer you all that we are.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church, remembering especially our brothers and sisters who suffer for the sake of the Gospel.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world.


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

Lord Christ, you are the hope of every generation;
We look to you alone for our salvation.

You put away sin for all time by the sacrifice of yourself;
How glorious are you, Lord Jesus, God of our redemption.

Teach us to live in daily dependence on your presence,
That your love might be evidenced in our lives.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness;
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We remember the widows, orphans, and family members of pastors, evangelists and other martyrs.  Grant them your grace to forgive and to continue to serve you in faithful obedience.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 26, closest to November 2 – Year B (RCL)

Download Prayers for Proper 26 Year B RCL

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

Your testimonies are good, O Lord, and your way is blameless.
The Lord our God, the Lord is one.

We praise you with our whole hearts as we learn your righteous decrees.
The Lord our God, the Lord is one.

You have written your life-giving word on our hearts.
The Lord our God, the Lord is one.

Your teaching blesses us and fulfills your promises to your people.
The Lord our God, the Lord is one.

This is our God.  Praise him, all you people, for he is our help and our salvation.  I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


You are worthy, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Lord Jesus Christ, you are the author of eternal redemption.

You have offered yourself without blemish and by means of your own blood;
Purify our conscience from dead works to serve you alone.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world.


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

You, O Lord, are our God.  You, O Lord, are One.
Give us a perfect love for you alone.

Enable us to love you with all our hearts and all our souls and all our minds and all our strengths.
Bind us to yourself with a love that is stronger than death.

Quicken our wills to love our neighbors;
Transform our self-absorbed hearts and fill them with your love.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness;
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.

We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 18, closest to September 7 – Year B (RCL)

Download Prayers for Proper 18 Year B RCL

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You made heaven and earth, the seas, and all that is in them;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

You give justice to those who are oppressed, and food to those who hunger;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

You set the prisoners free; you open the eyes of the blind and lift up those who are bowed down;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

You care for strangers and sustain the orphan and the widow;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

You love the righteous and frustrate the way of the wicked;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

This is our God.  Praise him, all you people, for he is our help and our salvation.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


You are worthy, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Strengthen our anxious hearts.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

You are the Lord our God, the one who keeps his promise forever;
You come with vengeance and salvation.

Quicken our ears to listen to you, and open our mouths to proclaim the good news of your kingdom;
For you have done all things well.

You, O Lord, shall reign forever and ever;
Come and restore all things.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world.


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation:
Teach us how to show forth our faith by our works.

Our hearts are bent toward partiality and we often judge others according to appearances;
Grow in us a deep and impartial love for the people you have placed in our lives. 

Cultivate our faith that we might bear much fruit for your glory;
May our actions demonstrate your love.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness;
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for Proper 18, closest to September 7 – Year B (BCP)

Download Prayers for Proper 18 Year B BCP

King of all the earth,
Creator of the universe,
Holy Triune God,
From everlasting to everlasting, you are Lord.

You made heaven and earth, the seas, and all that is in them;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

You give justice to those who are oppressed, and food to those who hunger;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

You set the prisoners free; you open the eyes of the blind and lift up those who are bowed down;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

You care for strangers and sustain the orphan and the widow;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

You love the righteous and frustrate the way of the wicked;
Blessed are they whose hope is in the Lord.

This is our God.  Praise him, all you people, for he is our help and our salvation.

I invite you to add your own praises to the Lord.


You are worthy, Holy God, to receive all our praise.  We worship you in the glory of your perfect Trinity and ask for grace to steadfastly believe and proclaim your unity.

We pray for your holy catholic church;
Strengthen our anxious hearts.

We pray for all bishops, priests, and deacons;
That they may be faithful ministers of your Word and Sacraments.

You are the Lord our God, the one who keeps his promise forever;
You come with vengeance and salvation.

Quicken our ears to listen to you, and open our mouths to proclaim the good news of your kingdom;
For you have done all things well.

You, O Lord, shall reign forever and ever;
Come and restore all things.

I invite you to add your own prayers for the worldwide church.


Creator of the earth, you spoke the world into existence and sustain all things by your life giving word.  Consider the toil and sorrow of the people of the earth and, in your compassion, have mercy on the world.

We pray for all who govern and hold authority in the nations of the world;
That there may be justice and peace on the earth.

We pray for the poor, the persecuted, the sick, and all who suffer;
For the refugees, prisoners, and all who are in danger;
Relieve and protect them, O Lord, and grant them eternal hope in you.

Teach us how to rightly steward the gift of your creation,
That the resources of the world would be used to your honor and glory.

I invite your prayers for the needs of the world.


God of all love and peace, we come to you in faith, offering you access into every area of our lives.

We pray for this congregation:
Every good and every perfect gift comes from you, the Father of Lights;
Thank you for your saving and transforming word.

Plant your word deep in our hearts, and help us to hear and receive your word;
Help us to be mindful doers of your word.

Teach us to be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger;
Teach us to do what is right.

We look to you, Lord of all, mindful of our helplessness;
Glorify your name in the midst of our need.

I invite you to cast all your cares and concerns on the Lord, remembering that He cares for you.


We praise you for your saints who have entered into joy;
May we also come to share in your heavenly kingdom.

We believe in you, Lord Christ.
We cry out to you, Father God.
We receive your witness, Holy Spirit.
Abide with us as we abide in you this week and always, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

3rd Sunday of Advent, Year A

Readings: Isaiah 35:1-10; Psalm 146:4-9; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11

Our Lord, we trust that your presence is our deliverance.  We ask you to come and release us from our fears and sins.  We offer you our weak hands, our feeble knees, our anxious hearts.  Strengthen and encourage us, transforming us into people of belief who joyfully await your coming.


And so we pray, waiting for you to come to us, offering you access into every area of our lives:

We pray for the Church worldwide.  Almighty God, grant your Church wisdom and courage to walk in your way of holiness, to live in the light of your justice, salvation, and restoration.  May many people see the triumphant deliverance of your people, may they glorify you and know the everlasting joy of your salvation.  We commit the work of the Church to you, especially…


Sovereign Lord, you are the help and the hope of all nations.  You care for the people of all lands: the hungry and oppressed, the prisoners, those bowed down with troubles, the righteous and wicked – all souls are yours.  We trust in your goodness and promised reign of justice and faithfulness.  Look on the earth you have created and, in your mercy, deliver us.

Consider the groaning of all creation as we wait for your coming and long for your justice.  Until then, grant us wisdom to steward your earth responsibly: to care for the creatures you have made and to live in harmony with your handiwork.

We think of all the areas in the world that are torn by war, disease and hunger; that are overridden by corruption and injustice; places where the poor and oppressed cry out.  Hear us as we remember them, O Lord, for you are a God who listens to His people’s cry.

Help us to be faithful intercessors for all these things, calling to our minds this week the welfare of the world, especially….


We pray for the needs of our community here in Columbia.  Grant us discernment to minister your love and truth to those around us.  Grow in us a greater love for our neighbors, our classmates and coworkers, our families, friends, and enemies.  Help us to foster uncomplaining spirits, and put far from us idle, critical speech.  Help us to live this week expecting Jesus to come into every area of our lives, especially…



O Lord, our hearts are overwhelmed as we consider the suffering and trouble all around us.  Grant us the mind of Christ to look on pain and still trust in your character, that we might courageously believe in the midst of the brokenness and pain all around us.  Give us compassion and a mindfulness of others as they suffer in body, mind, and spirit.  Enable us to offer words and deeds of comfort and truth, knowing you to be the One who comes to us, even in the midst of suffering.  All men and women belong to you, and we commit to your care those in pain, especially…



We trust your Word, that Jesus is the firstborn among many brethren, that those who have died in Christ will also live with Him.  We entrust to your continual care our brothers and sisters who have died in the faith, especially…


We are thankful for these lives and examples of faithfulness, even as we mourn the separation of death.  Grant us grace to hope in the midst of our sadness and grief.  Help us to believe your promise of eternal life and, so believing, to eagerly await the return of Jesus.

Grant us hearts of praise, loving God who keeps faith with us forever.  You are our help, our hope, the Creator of all things, the giver of life, justice and freedom.  Come Almighty God and give us the everlasting joy of your presence.   In our incompleteness, in our longing, come to us and abide with us.  Make your home with us as we learn to abide in you, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.

Prayers for the Third Sunday of Advent – Year A (BCP)

Readings: Isaiah 35:1-10; Psalm 146:4-9; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11

Our Lord, we trust that your presence is our deliverance.  We ask you to come and release us from our fears and sins.  We offer you our weak hands, our feeble knees, our anxious hearts.  Strengthen and encourage us, transforming us into people of belief who joyfully await your coming.


And so we pray, waiting for you to come to us, offering you access into every area of our lives:

We pray for the Church worldwide.  Almighty God, grant your Church wisdom and courage to walk in your way of holiness, to live in the light of your justice, salvation, and restoration.  May many people see the triumphant deliverance of your people, may they glorify you and know the everlasting joy of your salvation.  We commit the work of the Church to you, especially…


Sovereign Lord, you are the help and the hope of all nations.  You care for the people of all lands: the hungry and oppressed, the prisoners, those bowed down with troubles, the righteous and wicked – all souls are yours.  We trust in your goodness and promised reign of justice and faithfulness.  Look on the earth you have created and, in your mercy, deliver us.

Consider the groaning of all creation as we wait for your coming and long for your justice.  Until then, grant us wisdom to steward your earth responsibly: to care for the creatures you have made and to live in harmony with your handiwork.

We think of all the areas in the world that are torn by war, disease and hunger; that are overridden by corruption and injustice; places where the poor and oppressed cry out.  Hear us as we remember them, O Lord, for you are a God who listens to His people’s cry.

Help us to be faithful intercessors for all these things, calling to our minds this week the welfare of the world, especially….


We pray for the needs of our community here in Columbia.  Grant us discernment to minister your love and truth to those around us.  Grow in us a greater love for our neighbors, our classmates and coworkers, our families, friends, and enemies.  Help us to foster uncomplaining spirits, and put far from us idle, critical speech.  Help us to live this week expecting Jesus to come into every area of our lives, especially…



O Lord, our hearts are overwhelmed as we consider the suffering and trouble all around us.  Grant us the mind of Christ to look on pain and still trust in your character, that we might courageously believe in the midst of the brokenness and pain all around us.  Give us compassion and a mindfulness of others as they suffer in body, mind, and spirit.  Enable us to offer words and deeds of comfort and truth, knowing you to be the One who comes to us, even in the midst of suffering.  All men and women belong to you, and we commit to your care those in pain, especially…



We trust your Word, that Jesus is the firstborn among many brethren, that those who have died in Christ will also live with Him.  We entrust to your continual care our brothers and sisters who have died in the faith, especially…


We are thankful for these lives and examples of faithfulness, even as we mourn the separation of death.  Grant us grace to hope in the midst of our sadness and grief.  Help us to believe your promise of eternal life and, so believing, to eagerly await the return of Jesus.

Grant us hearts of praise, loving God who keeps faith with us forever.  You are our help, our hope, the Creator of all things, the giver of life, justice and freedom.  Come Almighty God and give us the everlasting joy of your presence.   In our incompleteness, in our longing, come to us and abide with us.  Make your home with us as we learn to abide in you, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.