Prayers for the 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C (RCL)

Download Prayers for Easter 5 – Year C, RCL

In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying….

Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

You are great, O Lord, and greatly to be praised.
There is no end to your greatness.
Let all living things praise your glorious Name,
For you spoke, and creation sprang into existence.
Your living Word sustains all things
And saves all things.
We joyfully receive your love and compassion,
For Jesus has triumphed!  Jesus is exalted!


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

Lord Jesus Christ,
You make all things new.
Come, Lord, you who are the beginning and the end of all things, and dwell with us.
Make your home with us, and adorn your church with holiness.
We are desperately thirsty,
Beset with sorrow and death and pain and all the grief of the former things.
Let your water of life flow to every corner of the globe,
And draw all people into the fellowship of your presence.
We join our voices with the church throughout the world, saying together, “Jesus has triumphed!  Jesus is exalted!”

I invite you to pray for the work of the church, remembering especially people who have not yet heard the good news about Jesus.


I invite your prayers for Advent Anglican.


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

O Lord, you know the world in which we live.
You dwelt among us and lived the suffering of the human condition.
You took upon yourself the weight of injustice and evil.
You see the entire world in this moment and no instance of pain escapes your attention.

We consider your cross, Jesus, and how hopeless it once appeared,
And we rejoice in your transforming power that brought about victory and new life from such a moment of darkness and despair.
We will say it again and again, “Jesus has triumphed!  Jesus is exalted!”
We trust in your everlasting triumph and look to you with hope.

I invite your prayers for those who suffer throughout the world and for those ministering to them in Christ’s name.


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

Almighty God,
You are holy,
And you have purposed your people for holiness.
Clothe us in your love,
That we might be marked as your disciples,
And enable us to truly love one another as you have loved us.
We offer our lives to you, Lord of all, desiring to surrender every corner of our person to your lordship:

I invite you to cast all your worries and concerns on the Lord.


I invite you to commit the work of your hands to the Lord.


I invite you to ask for discernment in all your decisions this week.


I invite you to offer up any other prayers and intercessions.


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

How good it is to be part of your church, stretching back to those who first believed and spreading throughout the corners of the world.
We thank you for the millions of our brothers and sisters throughout the ages who together have believed and proclaimed your victory.
We join our voices with theirs to say it again and again, “Jesus has triumphed!  Jesus is exalted!”
Our hearts are encouraged by the faithful examples of those who have died in the faith,
And we remember them now, trusting that they are in your care.


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

We pray to you also for the forgiveness of our sins.


Leader & People:
Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father;
in your compassion forgive us our sins,
known and unknown,
things done and left undone;
and so uphold us by your Spirit
that we may live and serve you in newness of life,
to the honor and glory of your Name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers for the 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C (BCP)

Download Prayers for Easter 5 – Year C, BCP

Readings: Leviticus 19:1-2,9-18; Psalm 145:1-9; Revelation 19:1,4-9; John 13:31-35

In faith, let us pray to the Lord, saying….

Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

You are great, O Lord, and greatly to be praised.
There is no end to your greatness.
We praise your works from generation to generation,
And we declare your power and your marvelous works.
How great is your goodness, O Lord,
How mighty, your wondrous acts.
You are gracious and full of compassion,
Slow to anger and of great kindness.
We joyfully receive your love and compassion,
For Jesus has triumphed!  Jesus is exalted!


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the Lamb who was slain,
And salvation and glory and power belong to you alone.
We praise you, Almighty God,
For you reign forever and ever,
And by your blood you have ransomed people from every tribe and language and people and nation,
We join our voices with the church throughout the world, saying together, “Jesus has triumphed!  Jesus is exalted!”

I invite you to pray for the work of the church, remembering especially people who have not yet heard the good news about Jesus.


I invite your prayers for Advent Anglican.


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

O Lord, you know the world in which we live.
You dwelt among us and lived the suffering of the human condition.
You took upon yourself the weight of injustice and evil.
You see the entire world in this moment and no instance of pain escapes your attention.

We consider your cross, Jesus, and how hopeless it once appeared,
And we rejoice in your transforming power that brought about victory and new life from such a moment of darkness and despair.
We will say it again and again, “Jesus has triumphed!  Jesus is exalted!”
We trust in your everlasting triumph and look to you with hope.

I invite your prayers for those who suffer throughout the world and for those ministering to them in Christ’s name.


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

Almighty God,
You are holy,
And you have purposed your people for holiness.
Clothe us in your love,
That we might be marked as your disciples,
And enable us to truly love one another as you have loved us.
We offer our lives to you, Lord of all, desiring to surrender every corner of our person to your lordship:

I invite you to cast all your worries and concerns on the Lord.
I invite you to commit the work of your hands to the Lord.
I invite you to ask for discernment in all your decisions this week.
I invite you to offer up any other prayers and intercessions.

Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

How good it is to be part of your church, stretching back to those who first believed and spreading throughout the corners of the world.
We thank you for the millions of our brothers and sisters throughout the ages who together have believed and proclaimed your victory.
We join our voices with theirs to say it again and again, “Jesus has triumphed!  Jesus is exalted!”
Our hearts are encouraged by the faithful examples of those who have died in the faith,
And we remember them now, trusting that they are in your care.


Hear us Risen Lord,
Our resurrection and our life.

We pray to you also for the forgiveness of our sins.


Leader & People:
Have mercy upon us, most merciful Father;
in your compassion forgive us our sins,
known and unknown,
things done and left undone;
and so uphold us by your Spirit
that we may live and serve you in newness of life,
to the honor and glory of your Name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.